
First real blog post

Today I've just decided to cover things on a list-like ...um, form. That way I'll try not to forget things.

On a crafty Note;

First of all, it's a Tuesday, which means I have absolutley nohing to do, which is nice. Yesterday I taught my class on knitting with the local homeschool group, which is nice but scares the shizz out of me, basically. I mean homeschoolers in general are very nice, they're polite and they follow instructuons, that's not what scares me, the fact the one of them is 7 does. To be clear a seven year old has very little fine motor skills, and watching her knit almost pains me. Oh well, roll with the punches I guess? This week they're making a drop stitch scarf, so I'm hoping there will be no major dissasters to deal with through email. Hoping.

Second, I've lost my sweater. It's just gone all of a sudden and I'm worried. I had just finished the collar and sarted the shoulders/yoke and it dissapeared. Therefore I have no progress pics to post, except for one of my yarn. Which is sad, because I quite like it. The yarn is Knit Picks merino style in hollyberry, and I swear, the sheep it came from wa packed with lanolin, that's the only explanation I have, because knitting with it turns my hands all gummy.

Thirdly, the aphgan I'm knitting for Ashley is going at a snails pace, and it's all my fault. Honestly, I could make it in a week, it's on #35s! But my hands are hot, the yarn is war and the needles are massive. I feel like I'm doing construction with them. So far I'm doing 16 stitches, with 10 stitch cables and 3 stitch borders.

I like it, just not working with it so much.
Fourths are we on? just some random recent craft photo's

So I took an altoids tin, covered it with some fun paper and made a mini scrapbook of some of the theatre I've done up until last year. It's very cozy and I can take it with me places (Like to show off at rehearsals. Speaking of rehearsals I got a call back for Cinderella, for the parts of the Queen, the step-mum and the step-sisters. I'm uber excited because the boy will be in it too. Yay for time together, yes?)

Reallt terrible picture, but it's a cowl woven out of silk scraps. The weave is very nice, but it sheds like crazy, something I hadn't expected. I'm definitley going to try this again though. Maybe making tubes out of the silk instead of leaving raw edges.

On a personal Note;

What's been going on in my life? Cinderella call backs that I mentioned above will be interesting. I'm really a crappy singer so I have no idea how I managed to get not one, but three call backs. Maybe it as because I was the only one who brought a resume, or maybe the directors deaf...

Tommorow I have biology, and seriously, I'm starting to really loath my Bio teacher. It's not that she's mean or anything, she's just unorganized and it drives me crazy. Blarg, I don't even want to talk about her. At all.

Instead of fencing though I'm going to the community dinner, which used to seriously scare me, but now it's catered so *sigh*. But I am missing fencing practice, I'm more dissapointed than usual about this because someone I met at Cinderella audtions might have come, and an old friend I ran into at the movies might have come. Hm. I'm hoping both wait until nex week at least, then I don't sound like a major flake.

Current book:

Firebirds Rising, edited by Sharyn November
A fabulous anthology, mostly YA, that I've read before. Good enough to read over and over and over though. My favorite story is Hives, just far enough in the future to suit my tastes, but not about aliens.

Current song:
Kelsey, by Metro Station.
Finally a Cyrus I actually like!

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