
Snap Crackle Pop

On a Crafty Note:

What better way to start the day (Unintentional rhyme) than with chocolate puffed rice?

Apparently my DM decided the only way to get us kids to eat the boring white rice crispies was to mix them with the chocoate, cocoa crispies. It worked. I like it! And, chocolate cherios make regular cherios worth eating too!

My entry for the Plush You contest is going well. After a brainstorming session with a friend we decided a fairy with wings so it could hover above the snow and beat all the competition would be cute. So I cast on last night with some handspun purple wool and made this;

Which turned into this;

Which turned into this;

It's basically big enough to fit a small 6 or 7 year old. Then I felted it for a full run in the washer, about a half hour. There really was no too felted, because I had no plans for what was felted enough and what wasn't.
This is what came out;

I took it out and started shaping it and all of a sudden it screamed Rabbit/Mouse. I am not obsessed with Alice in Wonderland I swear, okay maybe a little, but how cute would a a certain never-on-time bunny, with a giant pocketwatch, be in a skiing competion? He could enter by accident because he was in such a rush.

The question is though, is he a rabit or a mouse?

I also have to decide to do with this;

I bought it at the green bean thinking Stanley Tucci in The Devil Wears Prada ("Give me a full ballerina skirt and I'm in") but I haven't done anything with it in a month. The gastly bottom puff must come off, clearly, and it's way, way to sheer to wear on it's own. Maybe I cut off the poufe, ruche the sides and call it pretty? *headdesk*

Epic Awesomeness ^^
Someone is giving away their kiln, free of charge, and I'm going to look at it today. I'm so excited, seriously. This opportunity amazes me. It comes with a bajillion molds and books, so I'd be set. I'd love to get back into pottery, it's been a while.

I'm seeing it at 2 O'Clock, I'm so EXCITED!!!

On a Personal Note:
I'm just a very, very happy camper right now. Everything is working out!

Still reading FireBirds, but I'm not really reading anything...

Listening to: Give you Hell, The all American Rejects.
Hot'N'Cold, Katy Perry

1 comment:

  1. hi hailey i am a bloger like you and i wanted to say good luck!


Thanks for commenting, I love reading what people think. Assuming it's not too mean...